What to ask the installer of the fireplace insert?

Has it always been your dream to have a fireplace? Are you planning a renovation and want to choose this method of space heating? Or maybe it's finally time to replace the fireplace insert and you don't know which model to choose? Learn how to properly prepare for an interview with the installer and check what questions should be asked both before and after the service.

Is it worth choosing a fireplace insert yourself?
When planning a renovation, we often make one key mistake. Instead of consulting a professional in advance, we choose the fireplace insert that is the most beautiful for us. Unfortunately, in many cases it turns out that the visually perfect fireplace is not fully adapted to the needs of the heated space and the previously made installation. That is why, before buying a fireplace insert, our decision should be consulted with a specialist. The installer will immediately know whether the model we like will work in the room - and will also advise on the possible choice of a different insert.

What conditions must the fireplace insert chosen by us meet?
If the insert we have chosen is not suitable for a given interior, the installer will indicate what conditions the ideal fireplace should meet. The offer available on the market is very wide, therefore the list of necessary features will allow us to effectively narrow down our search.

At this stage, we should tell the installer what we care most about in the fireplace. If we want it to have a mainly decorative function, then the heating parameters will not be that important. If, however, it is to be the main source of heating - then a specialist should help us calculate the appropriate heating power of the device.

How to use the fireplace?
After completing the assembly service, the installer should present us with the principles of using the insert. If we have any doubts regarding the use of the device, this is the best time to ask about the issues we are interested in.

The installer should explain to us which wood will be the best for the fireplace, as well as present the use of the insert. It should also show you how the individual parts of the appliance work, as well as explain the principles of optimal heating. In case of doubt, the specialist will also show you how much wood should be placed on the hearth and how to safely remove the ash. He will explain how to regulate the air supply in the device. It is also worth asking him what flow setting will be the best in terms of window smoking.

How to care for a fireplace?
One of the issues that we often ignore when talking to an installer is the care of the fireplace insert. Regular cleaning of the interior with the use of specially selected agents significantly extends the life of the installation and enables its many years of use.

Fireplace installers are usually aware of new products on the cleaning agents market and can recommend professional preparations that greatly facilitate cleaning of dirty surfaces. Specialized products effectively eliminate dirt and soot - without damaging the surface of the insert - and also reduce the deposition of dirt during the next use of the fireplace.
Is the fireplace always safe?
When installing a fireplace, we want it to serve us for many years. Unfortunately, many users of inserts do not realize that with such home heating, control inspections of the installation are a must.

For this reason, when talking to the installer, it is also worth asking for detailed guidelines related to the safety of using the system. A specialist should explain to us how to use the fireplace so that it serves us for a long time. We can also ask him about detailed issues related to the performance of chimney inspections and their frequency.
What if the fireplace breaks down?
Although when buying a new fireplace insert we rarely think that it could break, it is worth being prepared for any eventuality. Currently used fireplace inserts are characterized by high quality of workmanship and components, therefore they break down very sporadically. Unfortunately, the lack of inspections, inadequate cleaning and operation can lead to failure.

Any noticed irregularities in the operation of the fireplace insert should be immediately consulted with a specialist who will immediately show us whether we have any reason to be concerned. So it is worth asking the installer at the stage of installation of the insert whether he also provides a service and how to contact him in the event of a sudden heating failure.

In case of any questions talk to our sales managers:

+48 800 880 030


See also

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+48 800 880 030

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Stalko limited liability company
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EU VAT: 9482603545
REGON: 361379132
Number in the National Court Register KRS: 0000836475

+48 800 880 030

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00-403 Warsaw

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26-600 Radom

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